Return & Refund Policy prides itself on sending the right product in the promised condition, every time. Returns are generally not accepted.

We will only consider returns if we have sent the wrong product or if the item is defective and covered by our warranty. The warranty on most products is covered directly by the manufacturer.

If you do need to return an item, you are required to contact us by telephone at (877) 734-6044 or email us with details to request a return authorization number. Typically, it is faster to call us so that we can resolve the issue immediately instead of emailing back and forth.

We have had a few cases over the years where someone fraudulently claims we sent the wrong item. We document the serial number and box contents of each box sent to avoid this issue. In cases where we did make a mistake and send the wrong item, we can generally confirm the mistake when we review the photos.

At times we may ask that you keep the item you have received instead of returning it if the shipping costs do not make sense. You are then welcome to give the item to a friend, etc.